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Please find below the latest news items published by the Last Post Association.

VE-Day: Speech

08/05/2024 – Speech by Benoit Mottrie, Chairman of the Last Post Association Ladies and gentleman, dames en heren, Let me first welcome our guests from

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Household Cavalry: Speech

04/05/2024 – Speech by Benoit Mottrie, Chairman of the Last Post Association Lord Astor, Gen Smyth Osbourne, Col Griffin, esteemed guests, ladies and gentlemen, On

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ANZAC Day: Speech

25/04/2024 – Speech by Benoit Mottrie, Chairman of the Last Post Association Minister, Burgemeester, Excellenties, Ladies and gentlemen, dames en heren, Welcome to this 108th

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Armistice 2023: Speech

Address by Benoit Mottrie, Chairman of the Last Post Association At the Imperial War Museum in London, a quote attributed to Plato reads, ‘Only the

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Enjoy the concert 2023

Welcome on one of the concerts 2023 in the cathedral of Ieper. Please read the guidelines below to make the concert an unforgettable experience. The

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LPA delegation visits the US

On Monday, June 5th 2023, the Ypres’ Last Post Association travels to New York and Washington.  The delegation consists of vice-chairman Mathieu Mottrie and buglers

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