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Please find below the latest news items published by the Last Post Association.

ANZAC Day: Speech

25/04/2021 – Speech by Benoit Mottrie, Chairman of the Last Post Association Burgemeester, excellencies, ladies and gentlemen, We are meeting here today in strange and

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Jacky Platteeuw, director of the Last Post Association, deceased

Jacky Platteeuw deceased

Director of the Last Post Association It’s with great sadness that we have to report the death of Jacky Platteeuw, director of the Last Post

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A remarkable year

14/03/2020 – 14/03/2021: A remarkable year. For the first time since the very first Last Post on Monday, 2 July 1928 (*), spectators were not

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Update COVID-19: No public

Daily Last Post again without public from 29 October 2020 The Flemish Government announced new corona measures on 27 October 2020. Therefore, the daily Last

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Newsletter October 2020

Remembrance Day – 11/11/2020 The special Last Post at 11,00 hrs on Armistice Day will take place, but this according to the applicable COVID-19 measures.

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